
Healing with
Crystals, also known as chakra or healing stones have energetic properties that can influence and support the balance and healing of the chakras. The term "Crystal" used in this article broadly encompasses a wide range of mineral forms, including rocks, stones, tektites, ancient artifacts, natural glass, fossils, and various earth minerals, each possessing their own unique energetic properties and associations. Each crystal is associated with specific energies, colors, and vibrations, which can correspond to particular chakras. Here's a general understanding of how gemstones and crystals can affect the chakras: 1. Selection: Different crystals are associated with different chakras based on their color and energetic properties. For example, amethyst is often associated with the Crown Chakra, while rose quartz is connected to the Heart Chakra. Choosing a gemstone that corresponds to the chakra you wish to work on can enhance its healing effects. 2. Energizing and Balancing: Crystals can help energize and balance the chakras by interacting with their energy centers. Placing a gemstone on or near a specific chakra during meditation, energy healing, or simply wearing it as jewelry can facilitate the flow of energy and promote balance within that chakra. 3. Energetic Resonance: Crystals emit specific vibrations and frequencies due to their molecular structure. When in proximity to the chakras, these vibrations can interact with the subtle energy centers, potentially harmonizing and aligning their energies. This resonance can help to clear blockages, restore balance, and support the overall well-being of the chakras. 4. Color Therapy: Crystals are often associated with specific colors, which align with the colors of the chakras. Color therapy suggests that exposing the chakras to their corresponding colors can have a beneficial impact on their functioning. By wearing or working with gemstones of specific colors, the corresponding chakra can be influenced and stimulated. 5. Intention and Focus: Crystals can serve as powerful tools to focus intention and awareness on the chakras during meditation, energy healing, or personal exploration. Holding or visualizing a gemstone while directing intention towards a specific chakra can amplify the healing and balancing effects. It's important to note that the effects of crystals on the chakras can vary from person to person. Individual sensitivities, beliefs, and energetic dynamics can influence the experience. It's advisable to choose crystal that resonate with you personally and experiment with their effects while remaining open to your own experiences and intuition. Additionally, it's essential to understand that gemstones are not a substitute for professional medical or psychological assistance, but rather a complementary approach to support overall well-being.
Chakra Article #1

Origins of the
Chakra Concept
The concept of chakras has its roots in ancient Indian spiritual traditions, particularly in the practices of yoga, Tantra, and Ayurveda. The history of chakras can be traced back thousands of years, but it is important to note that the understanding and interpretation of chakras have evolved over time. The earliest mention of chakras can be found in ancient Hindu texts known as the Vedas, which date back to around 1500 BCE. However, the chakra system as we know it today began to take shape in the later Vedic and early Upanishadic periods (around 800-500 BCE). During this time, the concept of subtle energy channels in the body called "nadis" and the vital life force energy known as "prana" started to emerge. The early descriptions of chakras in texts like the Upanishads and the Yoga Upanishads were relatively minimal, focusing on a small number of energy centers. It wasn't until several centuries later, in the 6th and 7th centuries CE, that the chakra system as we know it today with its specific locations and characteristics gained prominence. The major influence on the development and popularization of the chakra system was the tradition of Tantra, which emerged around the 5th century CE. Tantric texts such as the Sat-Cakra-Nirupana and the Goraksha Samhita elaborated on the chakras, describing their locations, qualities, and the practices to awaken and balance them. In later centuries, various schools of yoga and spiritual traditions, including Kundalini yoga, Hatha yoga, and Tibetan Buddhism, incorporated the chakra system into their teachings and practices. These traditions further expanded upon the understanding of chakras, their significance, and their relationship to spiritual growth and awakening. In the modern era, the chakra system has gained popularity worldwide, extending beyond its original cultural and religious contexts. It has become integrated into various holistic and alternative healing practices, energy work, and New Age spirituality. Today, the chakra system is seen as a way to understand and work with the subtle energy centers in the body, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The specific interpretations and practices related to chakras can vary among different traditions and individuals, reflecting a continued evolution of understanding and exploration.
Chakra Article #2

Colors of the Chakra System
In the context of the chakra system, each chakra is associated with a specific color that represents its energy and qualities. Here is a general overview of the colors and their symbolic representations in the chakra system: 1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Red The root chakra is located at the base of the spine. The color red represents vitality, grounding, stability, courage, and physical energy. It is associated with survival instincts and the connection to the physical world. 2. Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana): Orange The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel. The color orange represents creativity, passion, pleasure, emotional well-being, and sensuality. It is associated with the flow of emotions and sexual energy. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Yellow The solar plexus chakra is located in the upper abdomen, near the diaphragm. The color yellow represents personal power, confidence, willpower, self-esteem, and transformation. It is associated with the expression of personal identity and the power of manifestation. 4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Green or Pink The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest. The color green (and sometimes pink) represents love, compassion, harmony, forgiveness, and emotional healing. It is associated with unconditional love, empathy, and the balance between giving and receiving. 5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Blue The throat chakra is located in the throat region. The color blue represents communication, self-expression, truth, clarity, and authenticity. It is associated with the ability to speak and listen with integrity and to express one's inner truth. 6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Indigo or Purple The third eye chakra is located in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows. The color indigo (or sometimes purple) represents intuition, insight, imagination, spiritual awareness, and inner wisdom. It is associated with psychic abilities and accessing higher states of consciousness. 7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Violet or White The crown chakra is located at the top of the head. The color violet (or sometimes white) represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, cosmic consciousness, and unity with the divine. It is associated with transcendent awareness and the realization of one's higher purpose. These colors are often used in visualizations, meditations, and energy healing practices to balance and activate the respective chakras, promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Chakra Article #3

What is the
Root Chakra?
Muladhara, also known as the Root Chakra, is the first primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located at the base of the spine, near the perineum, and is associated with the element of Earth. Muladhara is considered the foundation and represents our connection to the physical world, stability, and groundedness. The word "Muladhara" is derived from two Sanskrit words: "Mula," which means root, and "Adhara," which means support or foundation. Together, Muladhara translates to "root support" or "root foundation." Key aspects and symbolism of Muladhara: Location: Muladhara is situated at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals. Color: The color associated with Muladhara is red, representing vitality, strength, and survival instincts. Symbolic Element: Muladhara is linked to the element of Earth, symbolizing stability, grounding, and connection to the physical body and material world. Energy and Qualities: Muladhara governs our sense of safety, security, and stability. It is associated with basic survival needs, such as food, shelter, and a sense of belonging. When Muladhara is balanced, it fosters feelings of stability, confidence, and being grounded in one's physical existence. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Muladhara can manifest as fear, anxiety, insecurity, and a lack of grounding. Practices such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, and working with grounding crystals can help restore balance to Muladhara. Engaging in activities that connect us to nature and creating a sense of stability in our lives can also support Muladhara healing. Balancing and harmonizing Muladhara is considered important for overall well-being and is seen as the starting point for progressing through the higher chakras in the energetic system. It is believed that a strong and balanced Muladhara provides a solid foundation for personal growth, stability, and a sense of rootedness in the physical world.
Chakra Article #4

What is the
Sacral Chakra?
Svadhishthana, also known as the Sacral Chakra, is the second primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel, and is associated with the element of Water. Svadhishthana represents our emotional well-being, creativity, and sensuality. The word "Svadhishthana" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Swa," which means self, and "Adhishthana," which means seat or abode. Together, Svadhishthana can be translated as "one's own abode" or "dwelling place of the self." Key aspects and symbolism of Svadhishthana: 1. Location: Svadhishthana is situated in the lower abdomen, between the navel and the pubic bone. 2. Color: The color associated with Svadhishthana is orange, representing creativity, passion, and vitality. 3. Symbolic Element: Svadhishthana is linked to the element of Water, symbolizing fluidity, emotions, and the realm of the senses. 4. Energy and Qualities: Svadhishthana governs our emotions, creativity, and sexuality. It is associated with our ability to experience pleasure, seek enjoyment, and embrace change. A balanced Svadhishthana fosters a healthy expression of emotions, creativity, and a harmonious connection to one's desires and sensual experiences. 5. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Svadhishthana can manifest as emotional instability, lack of creativity, and issues related to sexuality or intimacy. Practices such as meditation, yoga, creative expression, and exploring healthy sensuality can help restore balance to Svadhishthana. Cultivating a healthy relationship with one's emotions and embracing pleasure and joy can also support healing of this chakra. Working with Svadhishthana is considered important for embracing and expressing one's emotions, nurturing creativity, and fostering a balanced approach to pleasure and sensuality. A balanced and harmonized Svadhishthana chakra contributes to overall emotional well-being, fulfillment, and a vibrant engagement with life.
Chakra Article #5

What is the
Solar Plexus
Manipura, also known as the Solar Plexus Chakra, is the third primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located in the upper abdomen, near the diaphragm, and is associated with the element of Fire. Manipura represents our personal power, self-esteem, willpower, and transformation. The word "Manipura" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Mani," which means jewel, and "Pura," which means city or place. Together, Manipura can be translated as "City of Jewels" or "Lustrous Gem." Key aspects and symbolism of Manipura: 1. Location: Manipura is situated in the upper abdomen, between the navel and the sternum. 2. Color: The color associated with Manipura is yellow, representing brightness, energy, and vitality. 3. Symbolic Element: Manipura is linked to the element of Fire, symbolizing transformation, passion, and personal power. 4. Energy and Qualities: Manipura governs our sense of personal power, self-confidence, and willpower. It is associated with our ability to take action, make decisions, and assert ourselves. A balanced Manipura fosters a strong sense of self, motivation, and the ability to manifest our intentions and desires. 5. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Manipura can manifest as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or difficulty in asserting oneself. Practices such as meditation, yoga, breathwork, and cultivating self-confidence can help restore balance to Manipura. Engaging in activities that ignite one's passions and purpose, and embracing personal transformation, can also support healing of this chakra. Working with Manipura is considered important for developing a healthy sense of self-worth, cultivating personal power, and aligning with one's life purpose. A balanced and empowered Manipura chakra contributes to increased self-confidence, effective decision-making, and the ability to manifest one's goals and aspirations.
Chakra Article #6

What is the
Heart Chakra?
Anahata, also known as the Heart Chakra, is the fourth primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart, and is associated with the element of Air. Anahata represents love, compassion, emotional healing, and connection. The word "Anahata" is derived from the Sanskrit words "An," which means un, and "Ahata," which means struck or unhurt. Together, Anahata can be translated as "Unstruck" or "Unhurt." Key aspects and symbolism of Anahata: 1. Location: Anahata is situated in the center of the chest, at the level of the heart. 2. Color: The color associated with Anahata is green, representing love, healing, and harmony. Sometimes, Anahata is also associated with the color pink, symbolizing unconditional love and compassion. 3. Symbolic Element: Anahata is linked to the element of Air, symbolizing freedom, breath, and spaciousness. 4. Energy and Qualities: Anahata governs our ability to give and receive love, cultivate compassion, and experience emotional healing. It is associated with the qualities of empathy, forgiveness, and interconnectedness. A balanced Anahata chakra allows for healthy relationships, emotional well-being, and the capacity to offer love and compassion to oneself and others. 5. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Anahata can manifest as difficulty in forming meaningful relationships, emotional blockages, or lack of self-love. Practices such as meditation, heart-opening yoga poses, practicing self-compassion, and engaging in acts of kindness and service can help restore balance to Anahata. Cultivating forgiveness and embracing the power of love and compassion can also support healing of this chakra. Working with Anahata is considered important for cultivating love, compassion, and emotional well-being. It is seen as a bridge between the lower chakras that represent our physical existence and the higher chakras that represent our spiritual nature. A balanced and open Anahata chakra allows for deep connections, emotional harmony, and the ability to experience and express love in its various forms.
Chakra Article #7

What is the
Throat Chakra?
Vishuddha, also known as the Throat Chakra, is the fifth primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located in the throat region, at the base of the neck, and is associated with the element of Ether or Space. Vishuddha represents communication, self-expression, truth, clarity, and authenticity. The word "Vishuddha" is derived from the Sanskrit words "Vishuddhi," which means purification or cleansing. Together, Vishuddha can be translated as "Pure" or "Purification." Key aspects and symbolism of Vishuddha: 1. Location: Vishuddha is situated in the throat region, at the base of the neck. 2. Color: The color associated with Vishuddha is blue, representing communication, clarity, and self-expression. 3. Symbolic Element: Vishuddha is linked to the element of Ether or Space, symbolizing spaciousness, openness, and the realm of sound and vibration. 4. Energy and Qualities: Vishuddha governs our ability to communicate effectively, express our authentic selves, and speak our truth. It is associated with clear and honest expression, active listening, and creative self-expression. A balanced Vishuddha chakra allows for authentic communication, effective self-expression, and the ability to align our words and actions with our inner truth. 5. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Vishuddha can manifest as difficulty in expressing oneself, fear of speaking up, or issues with communication. Practices such as chanting, singing, journaling, and throat-opening yoga poses can help restore balance to Vishuddha. Engaging in truthful and conscious communication, practicing active listening, and embracing self-expression can also support healing of this chakra. Working with Vishuddha is considered important for clear communication, authentic self-expression, and harmonious relationships. It enables us to express our thoughts, emotions, and ideas with clarity and integrity. A balanced and open Vishuddha chakra allows for effective communication, creative self-expression, and the ability to share our unique gifts and truth with the world.
Chakra Article #8

What is the
Third Eye Chakra?
Ajna, also known as the Third Eye Chakra, is the sixth primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located in the middle of the forehead, slightly above the space between the eyebrows, often referred to as the "third eye" area. Ajna represents intuition, inner wisdom, perception, and spiritual insight. The word "Ajna" is derived from the Sanskrit term meaning "command" or "perceive." It is often associated with the activation of the inner vision and the ability to see beyond the physical realm. Key aspects and symbolism of Ajna: 1. Location: Ajna is situated in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows, at the level of the pineal gland. 2. Color: The color associated with Ajna is indigo or deep purple, representing intuition, perception, and spiritual awareness. 3. Symbolic Element: Ajna is linked to the element of Light, symbolizing illumination, clarity, and higher consciousness. 4. Energy and Qualities: Ajna is associated with our intuition, inner knowing, and the ability to perceive subtle energies and truths beyond the physical senses. It represents our connection to higher wisdom, spiritual insight, and the integration of intellect and intuition. A balanced Ajna chakra allows for heightened intuition, clear perception, and an expanded awareness of oneself and the world. 5. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Ajna can manifest as a lack of clarity, difficulty in trusting one's intuition, or feeling disconnected from one's inner guidance. Practices such as meditation, visualization, energy healing, and engaging in activities that stimulate the imagination and intuition can help restore balance to Ajna. Cultivating mindfulness, developing a regular meditation practice, and embracing a sense of inner knowing can also support healing of this chakra. Working with Ajna is considered important for developing intuitive abilities, accessing higher wisdom, and deepening one's spiritual journey. It is associated with expanded consciousness and the integration of spiritual insights into everyday life. A balanced and awakened Ajna chakra allows for a profound connection to one's inner wisdom and a heightened perception of the world.
Chakra Article #9

What is the
Crown Chakra?
Sahasrara, also known as the Crown Chakra, is the seventh and highest primary chakra in the system of seven chakras. It is located at the top of the head, representing the spiritual center of consciousness and divine connection. The word "Sahasrara" is derived from the Sanskrit term meaning "thousand-petaled lotus." It symbolizes the expansive and infinite nature of this chakra. Key aspects and symbolism of Sahasrara: 1. Location: Sahasrara is situated at the crown of the head, above the fontanelle area. 2. Color: The color associated with Sahasrara is violet or pure white, representing spiritual purity, transcendence, and divine consciousness. 3. Symbolic Element: Sahasrara is often associated with the element of thought or cosmic consciousness, representing the highest state of awareness and connection to the divine. 4. Energy and Qualities: Sahasrara represents our spiritual connection, higher consciousness, and the integration of all aspects of our being. It is associated with unity, enlightenment, and the realization of our true nature. Sahasrara transcends the limitations of the physical realm and embodies a state of pure awareness and spiritual awakening. 5. Imbalance and Healing: Imbalances in Sahasrara can manifest as a feeling of disconnection from spirituality, a lack of purpose or meaning, or difficulty in accessing higher states of consciousness. Practices such as meditation, prayer, mindfulness, and engaging in spiritual practices or rituals can help restore balance to Sahasrara. Cultivating a sense of surrender, embracing silence, and seeking spiritual teachings and guidance can also support the healing of this chakra. Working with Sahasrara is considered important for spiritual growth, the realization of our higher self, and the experience of unity and interconnectedness. It is associated with the integration of all the chakras and represents the pinnacle of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. A balanced and awakened Sahasrara chakra allows for the experience of divine consciousness, transcendence, and a profound sense of connection to the universe.
Cintamani Article #1

What is the
Cintamani Stone?
In various spiritual and mythological traditions, the Cintamani stone, also known as the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel or the Philosopher's Stone, holds significant symbolism. While its exact nature and properties may differ depending on the cultural context, the Cintamani stone is often described as a legendary and mystical gem. According to certain traditions, the Cintamani stone is believed to possess extraordinary qualities and powers. It is said to emit a divine or cosmic energy that can bring about transformation, enlightenment, and spiritual awakening. It is often associated with benevolent beings, such as bodhisattvas or enlightened masters, and is considered a potent source of wisdom and blessings. The Cintamani stone is sometimes portrayed as a blue or multi-colored gem, described as translucent or radiant, and believed to be of extraterrestrial or celestial origin. In legends and stories, it is said to have fallen from the heavens or be guarded in sacred realms. The stone is often connected with the concept of wishes and desires, symbolizing the potential for fulfillment and the manifestation of one's deepest aspirations. It is associated with abundance, prosperity, and the granting of noble intentions. While physical Cintamani stones may not be widely available, the symbolic essence of the Cintamani stone can be invoked or visualized in spiritual practices and meditations, allowing individuals to tap into its energetic qualities and seek spiritual growth and realization.
Cintamani Article #2

Symbolic Significance of Cintamani Stone
The Cintamani stone, also known as the Wish-Fulfilling Jewel, holds symbolic significance in various spiritual and mythological traditions. 1. Spiritual Enlightenment: In Buddhist traditions, the Cintamani stone is often associated with spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, and the attainment of ultimate truth. It is considered a precious jewel that grants profound insight and liberation from suffering. 2. Inner Transformation: The Cintamani stone is sometimes seen as a metaphor for the transformation of consciousness. It represents the journey of personal growth, self-realization, and the awakening of one's highest potential. 3. Manifesting Desires: In some belief systems, the Cintamani stone is regarded as a wish-fulfilling gem. It is believed to have the power to manifest one's desires and bring about positive changes in life. 4. Divine Connection: The Cintamani stone can symbolize a connection to higher realms, celestial beings, or divine energies. It is associated with spiritual guidance, protection, and the alignment of one's life with higher purposes. 5. Symbol of Power: In certain mythologies, the Cintamani stone represents great power and authority. It is often associated with legendary figures or deities and is believed to bestow strength, courage, and leadership qualities upon its possessor.
Cintamani Article #3
Hypothesis of
Origins & Formation
An insightful and fascinating theory has been presented, suggesting that Cintamanis are a rare one-off type of tektite or impact glass, formed during a large meteoric event. The theory proposes that the authentic Cintamanis referenced in Tibetan Buddhism have a similar meteoric origin and formation hypothesis as those found in recent years in the Mekong Regions. These distinctive Cintamanis exhibit a unique orb-shaped appearance unmatched by others, displaying the multicolored qualities depicted in Tibetan religious history. The theory gains additional support from a notable discovery reported by The New York Times in 2020 — a meteorite impact crater in Laos dating back approximately 800,000 years. This finding prompted the theorist to draw connections and propose that the molten material scattered across the region during the meteoric event interacted with the waters of the Mekong, resulting in the formation of Cintamanis. Drawing from knowledge of materials and the behavior of molten substances, it is suggested that molten material forms near-perfect orbs or balls when dropped into water. However, it is important to note that this orb formation is dependent on various very specific conditions including, but not limited to the size and weight of tektite ejecta, the speed and height of ejection and reentry, the angle of entry into the water, and the depth of water in the Mekong during the impact event. Therefore, when the molten material from the meteorite hit the waters of the Mekong, the orb-like Cintamanis were formed through a very rare and unique set of conditions. As the molten material gradually cooled, the lower portions of the Cintamanis acquired a crust, while some river materials fused with the molten substance upon settling. Conversely, on land, the molten material failed to form orbs and likely underwent fragmentation or burial over the centuries, resulting in the well-documented strewn field of tektites known as the indochinites. It is further suggested that the Mekong region, predominantly Buddhist, may have facilitated the trade or gifting of Cintamanis to leaders within Buddhist communities. The reverence for celestial gifts within Tibetan Buddhist traditions would have undoubtedly enhanced the allure and enigma surrounding these extraordinary objects. This insightful thesis regarding the origins and formation of Cintamanis has been presented by Mr. Michael Yeats, with further corroborated research and data from Mr. Austin N. We publish this article hoping to offer valuable insights into the nature of Cintamanis, shedding light on their unique characteristics, formation, celestial connection and mystical cultural significance.
Cintamani Article #4

Who is
Nicholas Roerich?
Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947) was a Russian artist, writer, philosopher, and explorer. He is known for his contributions to various fields, including painting, archaeology, literature, and spirituality. Roerich's passion for exploration and archaeology led him to embark on numerous expeditions throughout his life. He traveled extensively across Central Asia, including regions of Russia, Mongolia, Tibet, and the Himalayas where Shambala was believed to be located. These expeditions aimed to uncover archaeological sites, study local cultures, and explore the connections between art, spirituality, and human evolution. During his expeditions, Roerich became fascinated with the idea of Shambala and its spiritual significance. He sought to uncover the mysteries of this legendary realm and its connection to human spirituality. Roerich's encounters with local traditions, legends, and spiritual teachings shaped his understanding of Shambala and its association with the Cintamani stone. Roerich believed that the Cintamani stone held profound spiritual power and was an integral part of the mystical teachings associated with Shambala. He considered the stone as a key to unlocking higher consciousness and spiritual evolution. Roerich's expeditions and his writings, such as "Shambhala: In Search of the New Era," brought attention to the connection between Shambala, the Cintamani stone, and the pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Roerich's explorations and writings have contributed to popularizing the connection between Shambala and the Cintamani stone. The specific details and insights from Roerich's expeditions continue to inspire spiritual seekers and researchers interested in the realms of Shambala and the transformative potential of the Cintamani stone.
Cintamani Article #5
Color Symbolism of the Cintamani Stone
Unlocking the Meanings and Attributes of Cintamani Stones: A Journey Through Color Symbolism 1. Blue: Blue is considered a sacred color in Tibetan Buddhism. It represents the expanse of the sky and symbolizes the vastness of the awakened mind. Blue is associated with wisdom and insight, reflecting the clarity and expansiveness of the enlightened state. It signifies the transcendence of worldly concerns and the aspiration to attain higher spiritual realization. 2. White: White is a color often associated with purity and spiritual attainment. It represents the absence of ignorance and the clarity of the awakened mind. White symbolizes the state of enlightenment, embodying the qualities of purity, truth, and liberation from suffering. It is also associated with the concept of emptiness, which refers to the interdependent and transient nature of all phenomena. 3. Red: Red holds significant symbolism representing transformation, passion, and the transformative power of spiritual practice. It symbolizes the life force energy (prana) and the active aspect of spiritual realization. Red is associated with the fierce and compassionate energy of enlightened beings who work to overcome ignorance and alleviate suffering. It is also linked to the vital energy channels (nadis) and the awakening of the subtle energy within the body. 4. Green: Green is a color associated with healing, harmony, and balance. It symbolizes the nurturing qualities of nature and the growth of spiritual virtues. Green is often connected to the heart chakra, which is considered the center of love and compassion. It embodies qualities such as kindness, generosity, and empathy. Green also represents the rejuvenating and transformative power of nature, reflecting the cycles of growth, renewal, and interconnectedness. 5. Yellow: Yellow is a color that represents wisdom, intellect, and spiritual development. It is associated with the radiance of enlightened beings and the luminosity of their teachings. Yellow symbolizes the clarity and discernment of the awakened mind. It is often linked to the element of earth, signifying stability, grounding, and the embodiment of spiritual understanding. Yellow is also associated with the nurturing and stabilizing qualities necessary for spiritual growth. These interpretations provide a glimpse into the symbolic meanings attributed to the specific colors of the Cintamani stone.
Auric Energy Article #1

What are
Auric Energy Gems?
Pad Thawee Crystals, also known as Auric Energy Gems have always have long been regarded as powerful tools for tuning and harmonizing our auras. The unique vibrational frequencies emitted by these crystals interact with the energy fields surrounding our bodies, helping to balance and align our auras and chakras. When we come into contact with the crystals, their energy resonates with our own energy, influencing and uplifting our auric field. This concept can be very foreign to many due to the fact that it alters our external auric field to influence change to our internal chakra energies. Pad Thawee Crystals can cleanse, purify, and activate our auras by absorbing and transmuting negative energies, promoting a sense of clarity, and restoring balance. They can also amplify positive energies within us, enhancing our vitality, intuition, and spiritual connection. Each Pad Thawee possess their own energetic properties and correspond to specific aspects of the aura. By placing crystals on or near our bodies, wearing them as jewelry, or simply holding them during meditation, we create a connection between their energetic frequencies and our own auric field. This interaction helps to remove blockages, restore equilibrium, and raise our overall vibration, resulting in a more balanced, vibrant, and harmonious aura. It's beneficial to explore and experiment with various Pad Thawee Crystals to find the ones that best resonate with your energy and support your auric well-being.
Auric Energy Article #2

What does the Colors from our Auric Field Mean?
The aura is an energetic field that surrounds the human body. It consist of layers of subtle vibrations and colors that reflect an individual's physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states. Here are the interpretation of aura colors: White This shows a well-balanced personality, calm and open to possibilities. Those with white auras may have a tendency to take on the energy of others. White is the rarest of all aura colors. Gray Gray auras can denote a skeptical outlook, or a person prone to seeing the glass half empty. Opening themselves up to new possibilities is hard and will take effort, but necessary and rewarding. Brown A brown aura often indicates a time of selfishness and insecurity. Seeing a brown aura indicates you're in need of cleansing, or that you need to give more to others instead of taking. Black A black aura can show a dark energy, brought on by selfish and unkind behavior. This aura's appearance may indicate that the person needs to let go of baggage that is inhibiting them from radiating positivity in their lives. Red Passions run high with those who have a red aura, as they live by their desires and emotions. Creative to the core, red auras are always manifesting new goals and inspiring themselves through artistic outlets. Red auras can also indicate a moment of pivotal creative changes. Pink A pink aura denotes someone who gives their heart freely to others without demanding much in return. If you have a pink aura, make sure your giving energy is reciprocated by those you care about. Orange Creativity is key for those who have an orange aura. Their artistry brings peace to them, but only if they can focus on one thing at a time. The minds can be overactive, which means they need to hone in their ideas in order to make them a reality. Yellow Those with yellow auras are high energy and exude optimism. It’s helpful for yellow auras to live in the present without stressing about the future. Green Green auras mark a grounded, hard-working person who is a nature lover. They are the builders of the auric color spectrum, which means that they welcome growth. The downside is that they may be prone to jealousy or competition. Blue Those with blue auras are emotionally sensitive and are self-expressive. They may be shy in letting their innermost feelings be known, which means you should listen when they do speak. Teal Those with teal auras are empathic and sensitive. At times they can be uneasy of change and nervous to embrace new situations, which may close them off to experiences. Indigo An indigo aura denotes a wise person with an old soul. At times, they escape into their own secret world to protect their energy, minds, and hearts from others. Violet Where do you begin and another ends? The urge to merge with another is deep with a violet aura, as they are constantly seeking connection on a deep level. Spiritual awareness, emotional awareness, and psychic sentiments are marks of a violet aura. Aura colors are often perceived by individuals with heightened sensitivity or clairvoyant abilities, and they are subject to personal interpretation and intuitive understanding.