Koh Laan Special "Lek Lai" Mineral - Wonder of Sacred Nature
Approximate Dimensions: 103mm x 64mm x 20mm
Weight: 322 grams
Koh Laan Special "Lek Lai" Mineral - Wonder of Nature- Sacred Object for Spiritual Ascension & Personal Growth
Known as Lek Koh Laan, a unique variety of Lek Lai is found on Koh Laan island (Thailand).
This kind of mineral is found on this island and nowhere else, and it is worn by all the islanders as a protective talisman and is not commercialized on the mainland.This Lek Lai is considered to be the best Kod Lek Lai, but it is difficult to obtain
unless one goes to Koh Larn island to get them.
A miracle of nature, these precious "Metallic" Leklai elements are found naturally formed only on the island of Koh Laan Thailand. Their amazing beauty and energy presence have to be felt in person especially when held in non dominant hand! Wonderful Large piece is wonderful for meditation use and home and individual psychic protection and spiritual ascension!
Please note that this listing is for only ONE piece of ""Koh Laan" Lek Lai. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions!
Lek Lai is a Mysterious Sacred substance appearing naturally in the most sacred caves where only designated monks/ nuns and prayers will allow these elements to manifest and make themselves known to its finders or rightful owners. Lek Lai is the subject of Legendary Tales of Miracle Powers which has become a Cult Phenomenon in recent years, due to the ease of access to information enabled by modern Media such as the internet, as well as due to the increase need for individuals in the east and west for spiritual ascension in these troubled times.
The words Lek Lai may be translated as "steel eel", an allusion to the ability of certain Lek Lai to assume the liquid state. In many tales, one is assured that Lek Laï is not a simple mineral but a kind of metal-entity or being, capable of "swimming across mountains". One of the foremost powers of Lek Lai is to render its wearer invulnerable, and to prevent any firearms from going off anywhere near him, and all other harmful weapons. Some people believe that Lek Lai is indestructible and immortal (Adamantine).
What is Leklai?
Lek Lai ? is a Mysterious Sacred substance which is the subject of Legendary Tales of Miracle Powers, the Lek Lai is an Extremely Rare and Mysterious Substance that is able to perform seemingly unexplainable feats, such as multiplying, disappearing and reappearing, growing, stopping projectile weapons from functioning.
Although this amazing substance is known to exists in many different World Cultures and different countries, Lek Lai has come to be known very much as a Phenomenon coming from Thailand. This is not without good reason, for it is Thailand and Thailand alone that there are still to be found a great number of Master Kroo Ba Ajarn, who are Adept in sensing the presence of Lek Lai. They are also Experts in the art of transforming Lek Lai into various forms of amulet worn for protection and good fortune.
For this reason, it is no surprise that Thailand is the number one source of authentic wisdom of the Wicha of the creation of Lek Lai Taat Gaayasit. This is pure Elemental Magic and Alchemy.
This sacred element is considered a living being of the Deva classification (Angelic Deity). A Deva that has been driven to be born on Earth. There are both ‘Kon Tan’ and Yaksa type Devas found inhabiting Lek Lai, which gives each different Lek Lai its own special powers and properties which differ with each inhabiting Deva.
Lek Lais are believed to promote great abundance, happiness, money flow, endless gold flow, continuous progress, growth in personal life, work, finance or to begin a new life and makes one invulnerable to dark and negative forces. The owner of this Lek Lai will possess the 108 virtues according to prayers of the Dharma.
Lek Lai elements does not attract to magnets and can only be found using traditional fire or "cold-cutting" methods and can be found in multiple forms, shapes and sizes. These psychic elements has been used as an ingredient for mixing into amulets for centuries, as well as being used as a magical element in its own right.
We try to take photos as accurate as possible, but its beauty has to be appreciated with our own eyes!
We truly hope that you will find the best crystal for all the love, creativity and abundance in your life! Thank you!